laupäev, 28. november 2020

Paige Matthews

 Paige Matthews a.k.a Baby Sister

Personal Info

Full Name:

Paige Matthews


August 2, 1977


  • Noogie (by Glen)
  • Paigey (by Phoebe)
  • Baby Sister (by Prue)

  • Jo Bennett
  • Lana
  • Betty Boop


Married to Henry Mitchell (m. 2006-)


  • Charmed One
  • Whitelighter

Physical description


Witch (whitelighter blood genes)



Hair colour

Dark Brown

Eye colour


Skin colour


Family Information


  • Tamora Patricia Mitchell
  • Katherine Grace Mitchell
  • Henry Samuel Mitchell Jr. (adoptive)


  • Prue Halliwell-Trudeau (Oldest Half-sister)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt † (Oldest Half-sister)
  • Phoebe Halliwell (Oldest Half-sister)


  • Patty Halliwell † (Mother)
  • Sam Wilder (Father)
  • Hellen and Mark Matthews † (Adoptive parents)


  • Leo Wyatt
  • Andy Trudeau
  • Coop Halliwell



  • Glen Belland (close friend)
  • Prue Halliwell
  • Phoebe Halliwell
  • Suzy
  • Nancy
  • Henry Mitchell (husband/soulmate)
  • Kyle Brody (boyfriend; until his death)
  • Richard Montana (ex-boyfriend)
  • Nate Parks (ex-boyfriend)
  • Mason Gowan (ex-boyfriend)
  • Glen Belland (ex-boyfriend)
  • Shane (ex-boyfriend; broke up)

Cole Turner (frenemy)

Magical Information

Basic powers:

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Making
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Witch powers:

  • Orb Immobilization - The ability to fire orbs from the hands that slow down molecules to the point that they freeze. It's a hybrid power of Orbing and Molecular Immobilization. This power works on almost all objects and beings, except certain upper-level demons such as The Triad. This is Paige's primary power which she channels through her hands.

    • Deviation: The practice of the skill of using one's own magical powers to redirect the magical attacks or projectiles of other beings back on the path of emanation.
    • Advanced Molecular Immobilization: The ability to freeze some of the strongest known demons or at least slow them down. In time, Paige was able to freeze everything around her, including things in the natural environment; such as rainfall.
  • Orb Shield - The ability to create a sphere of barrier out of orbs to defend oneself or others or contain something.

Half-Whiteligher powers:

  • Orbing
  • Healing
  • Hovering
  • Glamouring
  • Photokinesis
  • Cloaking

Inactive powers:

  • The Power of Three
  • High Resistance
  • Sensing
  • Omnilingualism


  • Claustrophobia
  • Being inferior in the Power of Three





Protecting the innocent, good witches and Future Whitelighters


  • Leo Wyatt (formerly)
  • Jack Halliwell (formerly)

  • The Charmed Ones
  • The Elders

Additional Information


Destiny Rewitched

Series Appearances

First Appearance

Are We Still Charmed Part 1

Paige Matthews is the youngest daughter of Patty Halliwell and the only one she had with her whitelighter, Sam Wilder. She had three half-sisters Prue and Phoebe Halliwell who she met at her oldest maternal half-sister, Piper Halliwell’s funeral.


Born on August 2, 1977, after her secret love affair with her Whitelighter, Samuel Wilder, the Charmed Ones' mother, Patty Halliwell, gave birth to her fourth daughter. Paige was put up for adoption because her parents' love was forbidden. She was later adopted by Mr and Mrs Matthews.

Her personality is bold and vibrant, adding a new dynamic to the show from season 4 onwards. Paige's birth power was Molecular Immobilization, but because she was part-Whitelighter this ability combined with her natural orbing to create Orb Immobilization. She came into the Craft late but learned to use it very quickly, aiding in the vanquish of The Source of All Evil and numerous other formidable dark forces. In Season 8, she developed the ability to heal those she loved, starting with her boyfriend.

She was driven to become a "full-time witch", and had a hard time finding a career she was contented with, eventually settling with her destiny as a Whitelighter, like her biological father. Paige is married to Henry Mitchell, a mortal parole officer, they have twin daughters, Tamora and Kat, and have adopted a son, Henry Jr. 

In later years around 2008, she received the power to create a protective shield around herself and those she wants to protect.

Meeting Prue and Phoebe Halliwell

One year before the death of Piper Halliwell, Paige started to go to P3 as she felt a connection to the Halliwells. Then Paige met Phoebe at the funeral of Piper where Phoebe had a vision of Shax killing Paige. Phoebe and her boyfriend Cole Turner went to check on Paige, trying to save her from Shax. When he attacked, Phoebe and Cole saw Paige orbing. After they rescued her they told Piper who summoned their grams and mother immediately. They explained Paige was their half-sister. Paige then arrived and met with her half-sisters at their home. Upon shaking hands with Prue (with Phoebe clutching to Paige's arm), the chandelier above them began to glow and shine a blue light just like it did before when Phoebe reawakened the powers of herself and her sisters. 
Shortly after that moment, Shax came bursting in through the front doors and knocked the sisters away. Prue and Phoebe grabbed Paige and ran upstairs while Leo distracted Shax. In the attic, Prue and Phoebe ordered Paige to cast the vanquishing spell with them and thus revealed she was a witch. Paige did what her sisters told her to do and saw to her amazement how the monster in front of her eyes blew up. Shocked and in disbelief, Paige ran off to her boyfriend Shane, who was at the hospital.

Phoebe Halliwell

 Phoebe Halliwell a.k.a Middle Sister



November 2, 1975


  • Phoebe
  • Fibi
  • Pheebs (by Prue)
  • Little Sister (by Prue)


  • Charmed One
  • Empath


  • Cole Turner (Ex-fiance in 2002)
  • Dex Lawson (annulment in 2006)
  • Coop Halliwell (Husband/Soulmate; m. 2007 - present)

Physical description



Magical Characteristics


  • Premonition
  • Levitation
  • Empathy
  • Advanced Empathy

Family information


  • Piper Johnna Halliwell II (Eldest Daughter)
  • Parker Anne Halliwell (Middle Daughter)
  • Peyton Paige Halliwell (Youngest Daughter)


  • Prue Halliwell-Trudeau (Oldest Sister)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt † (Oldest Sister)
  • Paige Matthews-Mitchell (Youngest Maternal Half-Sister)


  • Patty Halliwell † (Mother)
  • Victor Bennett (Father)


  • Elise Rothman
  • Billie Jenkins


  • Being trapped in an elevator
  • Losing a sister
  • Losing a child
  • Becoming evil
  • Dating a demon


Having children of her own

Additional Information


Destiny Rewitched


First Appearance

Something Wicca This Way Comes (Season 1)

Phoebe Halliwell is the third daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett, the youngest sister of Prue and Piper Halliwell, and the oldest half-sister of Paige Matthews.


Born November 2, 1975, the original "baby" of the family; At the beginning, Pheobe was a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman who reveled in her witchcraft heritage. The power she was born with was premonitions, which grew to enable her to see into the past as well as the future, and later allowed her to even astral-project herself into the future.

As she grew as a witch, she developed the power of levitation, which she often combined with her martial arts skills to knock out her opponents, as well as the power of empathy, which allowed her to sense the emotions of others. Though these two active powers were later stripped from her since she exploited them for personal gain, the comics have shown that she has regained them back in an advanced form, which allowed her to reflect someone's emotions back at them.

She is a romantic person. Phoebe later became a successful columnist and author. Early on, she had a turbulent relationship with her older sister Prue and later mediated between Piper and Paige. Phoebe is married to Coop Halliwell, and as we have seen, their marriage was celebrated in 2006, during the Series Finale, the two were married by the Angel of Destiny. Pheobe and Coop will eventually have three daughters (P.J., Parker, and Peyton). She continued to work at the Bay Mirror and also wrote a book on finding love.

Shax's attack and Piper’s death

When Shax, the one whom The Source sent to kill a doctor, attacked the Charmed Ones, Phoebe and Prue survived but their sister, Piper, did not and she felt guilty because she was not there to save her sister.

Meeting Paige and Reconstitute the Power of Three

Phoebe and her older sister, Prue meet Paige at her sister, Piper’s funeral when Phoebe has a premonition about Shax killing Paige, She wants to save her right away but demons show up and they attack them. Cole managed to kill them but Prue was furious about the whole thing and walked out of the church. Later in the night, Phoebe, Prue, and Leo discover that Paige is a long-lost half-sister from them. Furious Prue decided to summon their mother, Patty but instead, their mother, Penny came and was confused whole situation. So Prue asks her about that and Penny says nothing then Patty appears next to her mother and tells everything about her affair with Sam and her secret daughter Paige. When the sisters and Leo come downstairs, they see Paige on the doorstep and then she wants to leave but Phoebe stops her and says they come to look for her anyway. Paige and Prue shake their hands then suddenly a bright blue shines over the girls. Paige was shocked by the whole situation and Leo said she was supposed to be there then suddenly the door slammed open and a strong wind knocked Prue, Phoebe, and Paige backward. Leo is knocked down the stairs. Shax materializes and walks closer. He is about to strike when Leo jumps on his back. He told the sisters to run and they ran upstairs to the attic when they got to the attic, Shax's strong wind broke through the attic door and Shax materialized. The girls recite the vanquishing spell. Prue, Phoebe, and Paige said a spell out loud then Shax moaned in pain as he exploded, vanquished. Paige was still both confused and shocked whole situation but she turned and ran out of the attic and out of the manor.

Prue Halliwell-Trudeau

 Prue Halliwell a.k.a Big Sister



October 28, 1970


  • Prue (by Everyone)
  • Big Sister (by Piper & Phoebe)
  • Super Witch (by Paige)
  • Ms Halliwell (by non-family members)


Married to James Trudeau (m. February 22, 2001 - present)


Charmed One

Physical Description


Witch (Upper-level)

Family information


  • Trudeau Matthew Halliwell (Eldest Son)
  • Allen Victor Halliwell II (Middle Son)
  • Melinda Piper Halliwell (Youngest Daughter)


  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt † (Youngest Sister)
  • Phoebe Halliwell (Youngest Baby Sister)
  • Paige Matthews (Youngest Maternal Half-Sister)


  • Patty Halliwell †
  • Victor Bennett


  • Allen Halliwell †
  • Penny Halliwell †

  • Leo Wyatt
  • Henry Mitchell
  • Coop Halliwell

Additional Info


  • Piper Halliwell † (best friend)
  • Julie (co-worker/friend)


Photographer for 415 Magazine


  • Telekinesis
  • Astral Projection
  • Advanced Telekinesis


  • Drowning (conquered)
  • Not getting over Piper’s Death
  • Losing a child


A normal life


A New Destiny Awaits


First Appearance

Something Wicca This Way Comes (Season 1)

Last Appearance

Forever Charmed (Season 8)

Prue Halliwell is the eldest daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett, the oldest sister of Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, and the oldest half-sister of Paige Matthews.


Born October 28, 1970, she was the eldest Halliwell sister. Born with the power of Telekinesis, she later manifested an Astral Projection ability. Strong-willed, controlling, and intelligent, she would often take charge of situations and has always been overprotective of her two youngest sisters, Piper and Phoebe.

Having spent her childhood taking care of her two younger sisters after the death of their mother, she became responsible, with a fierce determination at whatever she did, including fighting demons, and eventually took up the justified reputation of being the most powerful and devout Charmed One. Though at times Prue let pride dictate her way of handling things, she never let her personal life interfere with her work life.

In time, after Piper died, she developed a more strong-willed, more controlling, and more overprotective and was a Charmed One. She eventually became a mother of three children: two sons (Trudeau and Allen) and a daughter (Melinda) with her husband Andy Trudeau, and went to great lengths to protect her children. In the series finale, the final montage shows her with a granddaughter, Piper Halliwell named after her deceased youngest sister.

Shax's attack & Piper’s death

When Shax, the one who The Source haired killed a doctor, attacked the Charmed Ones, Prue survived but Piper did not and Prue was angry with Leo for not healing her own wife but Leo explained to her that Piper was already dead and he healed Prue since she was alive still.

Goodbye, Piper, and Welcome Paige

Prue sat in Piper's room for 10 weeks and slept there. Finally, Prue realized she had to let Piper go and move on with her life. She decided to give her room to Paige and move herself to a master bedroom that used to belong to Piper and Leo, but since Leo moved away, she decided to move there with her husband, Andy.

Powers and Abilities

The Charmed Ones

  The Charmed Ones Information Species Witch (Prue, Piper, and Phoebe) Whitelighter-Witch (only Paige) Active Powers Prue: Telekinesis and A...